作为抒情小说家的萧红 ,同样以真情创作散文 ,演绎人生 ,每一篇散文 ,都是其人生轨迹的记录 ,有血浓于水的亲情 ,有至真至纯的友情 ,有苦多乐少的爱情 ,有深沉挚烈的思家爱国之情。通过情感世界显示自己的人格精神 ,创造了情景交融。
Xiao Hong is known more as a writer of lyric novel than one of prose. But her prose recorded her emotions and her life story: her real world of emotions, friendship, love, and feeling to her country. Her prose represented her character through her inner world and created a unique quality of beauty.
Journal of Weinan Normal University