搜索两个坏硬币的分组测试问题是一个十分困难的组合搜索问题 ,至今尚未完全解决。恒量一个测试过程t的好坏常用的标准是tk/nk 的值 ,这里tk 表示用过程t经k次测试所能鉴别的最大硬币数目 ,而对nk=maxt tk,至今为止 ,最好的测试过程已达到tk/nk>0 .95对所有k成立。本文中我们给出了一个测试过程t使得 :当k为偶数时tk/nk>0 .972 ,当k为奇数时tk/nk>0 .969。
The problem of classifing n items containing two defectives with a minimax number of group tests is surprisingly hard and remains open.A measure to evaluate a group testing procedure t is t k/n k ,where t k denote the maximum number of items which test procedure t can identify in k test for two-defective problem and n k denote the maximum number of items any two-defective problem and n k denote the maximum number of item any two-defective procedure can identify in k test.The currenly best procedure can achieve t k/n k>0.95 for all k .In this paper,we give a procedure t such that t k/n k>0.972 for k even and >0.969 for k odd.
:ScienceandTechnologyResearchPlanningofEducationDepartmentofShandongProvince(JOOP5 5 )