用喷涂了微生态制剂溢康素的饲料喂养鲤鱼,与用正常饲料喂养的对照组相对比,在45 d的试验期里,试验组鲤鱼肠道内外来菌群(芽孢杆菌、乳酸杆菌)得到了定植;肠道有益菌群(欧文氏菌、节细菌、变形菌、不动细菌等)得到了增殖;有害菌群(志贺氏菌、气单胞菌、弧菌、沙门氏菌等)的数量得到了抑制.鱼体免疫力得到了增强,净增重和净增长差异均极显著(P<0.01),平均增重率提高了10.5%,平均增长率提高了15%.
Compared with the control group of common carp fed with normal diet, the trial group of common carp were fed with the diet which its surface had covered with Yikangsu during the experiment of 45 days. The results show that exterior bacteria such as Bacillus and Lactobacillaceae could be planted in the intestines of the trial group.The numbers of beneficial bacteria such as Erwinia,Arthrobacter,Proteus and Acinetobacter had greatly increased and the abilities of immunity of the fish had quite strengthen. At the same time, reproduction of harmful bacteria such as Shigella, Aeromonas, Vibrio and Salmonella could be inhibited. As a further results, both the net increasing weigh and the net increasing length of the trial group were significantly different ( P <0.01), and the net increasing weight raised by 10.5% while the net increasing length went up by 15%.
Journal of Beihua University(Natural Science)