目的探讨社会支持与眼耳鼻喉科破坏性手术患者术后抑郁的相关性,并探讨护理对策以指导护理人员帮助患者获得社会支持,使患者重建生活信心和康复动机。方法 82名眼耳鼻喉科破坏性手术患者术后抑郁和社会支持进行了调查及相关分析。结果具有显著负相关(r=-0308,P<0.01)。结论 社会支持可作为护理干预的手段之一,帮助患者降低术后抑郁,对促进术后的康复过程有重要的指导意义。
Objective The study was conducted to explore the relationship beween post-operativedepression with EENT destructive operation and soclal support, and identify the nursing strategiesin order to guide patients to get social suppot. Methods A descriptive correlative design was usedand a purposive sample of 82 EENT destructive operation patients. Postoperative depression andsocial support were assessed using Beck Depression Inventory, BDI) and Social Support Scale.Results A significantly negative correlation was found between post-operative depression andsocial support (r=-0.308, P<0.01). Conclusion Social support will decrease the post-operativedepression in patient with EENT destructive operation.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army