目的 研究干扰素 (IFN) -α对 NOD小鼠 1型糖尿病的预防作用。方法 6周龄 NOD雌鼠 1周 3次灌胃 IFN-α 10 0 U ,共 32周 ,观测胰岛炎和糖尿病发病。结果 IFN-α能明显降低 NOD小鼠糖尿病的发生和胰岛炎的严重程度。结论 口服 IFN-α能预防
Objective To study the effect of IFN-α on del ay ing the onset of type 1 diabetes in NOD mice.Method Female NOD mice 6 weeks old,were administered IFN α 100 U three times a week via gavage for 6 to 38 weeks.Results Adminisering IFN-α to female NOD mi ce could significantly suppress their diabetes and insulitis.Conclusion Oral use of IFN-α can prevent the NOD mice from suffering diabetes.
Shanxi Medical Journal