The closing down of the 5th biggestdomestic IT retailer. prompted entre-preneurs in Zhong Guan Cun, the so-called'The Silicon Valley of China', and a lot ofpeople to rethink 'seriousness of creditcrisis'. Meanwhile, Dun & Bradstreet-thebiggest professional credit agency in theworld that entered China in 1995 drawpeople's attention again. Besides providing credit evaluationreports to enterprises, D&B developed acredit management solution centered onRAM (Risk Assessment Manager) software.Looking to meet the demand forimprovement in business creditmanagement, can D&B solve this deep-rooted problem with its over 160 years ofexperiences and robust database? Not necessarily. Lack of credit meansunstable base. A market economy that relieson it can never be strong. Without effortsfrom the government to enforce rules thatmarket economy relies on, the rule of manrather than the rule of law will incur. IT