通过对国内外主题公园发展基本概况的综述 ,对众多主题公园成败的原因进行了系统分析 ,针对河南省主题公园开发问题研究中的两种不同观点 ,指出河南省兴建主题公园目前条件尚不适宜的原因在于 :社会经济发展总体水平低、市场吸引半径小、周边地区同类项目的分流作用、高额投资、经营管理水平低等。只有在进行认真的市场分析、科学论证的基础上作出正确决策 ,才能避免失败 ,确保开发的成功。
Coming up with a general survey of the development of theme parks in foreign countries, this essay presents an analysis on the reasons for the success and failure in the construction of theme parks. Concerning the two kinds of views in the development of theme parks in Henan province, the author thinks it improper to construct theme parks in Henan province at present and lists the reasons as follows: the poor social and economic development; lack of market attraction; competition from the neighbouring market; heavy investment; low-level operation and management. Only a careful analysis on the market condition and a scientific study on the feasibility can produce a sound decision, ensure success and avoid failure.
Economic Survey