本研究开发了一种用板栗粉为强化剂的新颖酥饼 ,并对其保质期进行了试验。该产品用 5 0 %的板栗粉和 0 0 2 %抗氧化剂 (TBHQ ,油脂的总量计 )经传统工艺调配、成型、焙烤制得。感官评定表明 ,该酥饼有特殊的板栗风味和良好的口感质构。本文用加速试验法测得该产品和对照的空白样品的保质期 (2 5℃ )分别为 2 2 8d和 15 4d。结果显示这种新颖的板栗酥饼具有优良的焙烤特性和很好的营养价值。
A new type of cookies fortified with Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) flour was developed and the shelf life of cookies was studied. 50% chestnut flour (80 mesh) was used,and TBHQ (0.02% fwb) was incorporated in all cookies except control samples. Cookies were prepared using traditional formula and process. Sensory evaluation showed that the cookies had special pleasant chestnut flavor,better textural quality and better taste than traditional cookie. The accelerated shelf\|life test predicted that cookies with TBHQ had longer shelf life (228 days) than control samples (154 days) at 25℃. It was concluded that Chinese chestnut flour could be used in bakery products with high quality and nutritional benefits.
Science and Technology of Food Industry