本文通过对生皮胶原在酸性 ,碱性介质中的膨胀情况以及溶液的pH值的变化规律的测定 ,绘制出一系列的关系曲线图。发现碱 (氢氧化钠 ,氢氧化钙 )溶液及酸 (有机、无机 )溶液的 pH值随着时间的延长有一转折点。在平衡状态下 ,pH 1 - 1 4这个范围内 ,生皮的膨胀情况的曲线形状与以前资料报导的有差异。同时 ,我们发现在不同的温度下胶原的膨胀有所不同。相同浓度不同的酸或碱溶液中 。
In this article ,the regular of the collagen's swelling in acid and alkaline solution and the solution's pH value's variation are measured.According to the data,there all exsit a turnning point of pH value in alkaline solution or acid solution.Under the balance situation,in pH 1-14 range,there are some difference between the chart in this page and that was in some book before.At the different temperature,It was found that the collagen's swelling is different.In the different acid or alkaline solution whose concentrations are the same,the collagen's swelling is also different.
Leather Science and Engineering