强筋小麦产量 675 0 kg/hm2以上 ,在高肥力地力基础上纯 N总施用量为 30 2 .2 5~31 5 .90 kg/hm2 ,K2 O总量 1 2 0 .3~ 1 37.4 kg/hm2 ,其中 70 %作底肥 ,30 %越冬后返青前作追肥施入 ,另外底施 P2 O51 5 0 kg/hm2 。小麦产量 5 2 5 0 kg/hm2 以上 ,施纯 N 总量 2 2 1 .7~2 4 3. 0 kg/hm2 ,K2 O总量 82 . 5~ 1 0 0 . 0 5 kg/hm2 ,除 70 %作底肥外 ,其余 30 %于拔节后至孕穗前施入 ,另外底施 P2 O51 2 0 kg/hm2 。
To apply P 2O 5 150kg/hm 2 as base fertilizer and pure N 302.25~315.90 kg/hm 2, K 2O 120.3~137.4kg/hm 2 in fertile field ,among which 70 percent as base fertilizer and 30 percent is applied after winter while before turning green, the strong gluten wheat production can reach more than 6750kg/hm 2 .To apply P 2O 5 120kg/hm 2 as base fertilizer and pure N 221.7~243.0kg/hm 2, K 2o 82.5~100.05kg/hm 2,among which 70percent as base fertilizer and 30 percent is applied after jointing while before booting, the wheat production can reach 5250kg/hm 2.
Journal of Henan Vocation-Technical Teachers College