通过试验研究不同培养基配比和外植体对草莓不定芽诱导的影响 ,结果表明 :带芽的根部、幼嫩的草莓果切块和未伸长的幼嫩叶柄是比较好的外植体 ,易分化出不定芽 ;在不同培养基配比中 ,草莓幼果切块较适合 CI培养基 ,带芽的根部适合 CIV培养基。
The effects of culture medium matching and explant on adventitious bud induction in strawberry in vitro culture were investigated. The results of experiments were summaried as follow: root with shoot ?young strawberry fruit cut into pieces and petiole segments no extended were better explant than others , and their adventitious bud induct easily. To young strawberry fruint cut into pieces, culture medium CI was more suitable. To root with whoot, the frequencies of adventitious on medium CIV was highest.
Journal of Henan Vocation-Technical Teachers College