近年来低密度波分复用 (CWDM)系统开始应用在城域网和接入网中 ,这是因为其关键性零组件激光器、滤波器成本较低 ;长波长的CWDM可以用在旧的单模及多模光纤网上 ,电信运营商不需再铺设新的光纤 ;芯片高度整合 ,CWDM系统趋于成熟。
In recent years, the CWDM systems have begun to be deployed in metropolitan area networks and access networks in that the cost of key components such as lasers and filters has been decreasing; long wavelength CWDM can be used in existing single mode and multimode fiber networks; telecom operators don't have to lay new optical fiber; chips are highly integrated and CWDM systems tend to draw to a head. The CWDM technology, together with 10G Ethernet, can be applied to as short as 300-meter multimode fiber or as long as 40-km monomode optical fiber.
World Telecommunications