在竞争激烈的全球移动通信市场中 ,3G已经成为运营商提前抢占的焦点 ,围绕3G许可证的争夺也因此而愈演愈烈。从目前已经和即将发放3G许可证的国家来看 ,拍卖方式占据了主流。然而 ,纯粹以拍卖方式发放3G许可证并不可取 ,拍卖和选秀相结合的方式才能保证最终获得许可证的运营商具备资金。
In the competitive global mobile market, the battle of operators for 3G licences is becoming increasingly fierce. Auction has become the predominant licensing option for countries issued or to issue 3G licences. Nevertheless, sheer auction is not the desirable 3G licencing method, whereas only by conbining auction with beauty contest can the deployment of 3G services be ensured with adequate monetary, technical and service strength for the final licence winners.
World Telecommunications