Smads家族是最新发现的TGF β信号转导途径中一个重要的新基因家族。SMAD2属于受体激活的SMADs。Smad2在某些肿瘤中发生突变 ,是一种可能的肿瘤抑制基因。Smad2基因完全剔除小鼠在胚胎期E6 .5天死亡。为了研究Smad2在成体各组织器官及肿瘤发生中的可能作用 ,构建了Smad2条件基因剔除载体 ,将LoxP置于Smad2基因组序列C末端功能域两侧 ,并在组成型表达Cre重组酶的大肠杆菌中检测了LoxP位点的功能。该载体的构建为进行Smad2组织特异性基因剔除研究奠定了基础。
Smads is a new gene family in TGF β signaling pathway. Smad2 mutated in human tumors and may be a candidate tumor suppressor gene. Targeted disruption of murine Smad2 gene resulted in embryonic lethal at E6.5. In order to study the function of Smad2 in organgenesis and tumorigenesis, we constructed the Smad2 conditional targeting vector in which two LoxP sequences were placed to flank the C terminal domain of Smad2. To check the function of two LoxP sites, the targeting construct is tested in E.coli that express the Cre recombinase constitutively. This targeting construct can be used in the study of Smad2 tissue specific gene knockout.
Letters in Biotechnology
国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目 ( 10 2 0 8 0 8 0 2 )