文章认为民族地区的发展目前的关键应该是制度创新 ,也就是说 ,要转变政府职能 ,消除区域行政壁垒 ,建立统一、开放、有序的市场 ;要促进跨地区企业集团的发展 ,发挥大企业集团在促进民族地区经济发展中的主体作用 ;要实行土地使用制度的创新 ,加大开放力度 ,吸引外地企业、公民和外商投资 ;调整所有制结构 ,大力发展非公有制经济 。
Neither material capital nor manpower capital is the only factor in the development of economy in minority area. The key element is the institutional innovation.That is to say that we should change the function of the government, eliminate barrier of administrative division,build the unified open market,bring about a great advance in enterprise groups and make them play the main role in the development of minority area,carry out the innovation of land institution,adjust the structure of system of ownership,develop the nonpublic ownership and make it the main part of minority economy development.
Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities(Humanities and Sociol Science)