本文主要探讨少数民族山区农民在解决温饱之后 ,如何实现经济的持续发展和家庭收入的有效增长问题。作者在充分调研的基础上 ,分析了家庭联产承包责任制应完善之处与国家扶贫治贫中的问题 ,认为要实现脱贫后的持续增长必须培育新的经济增长点 ,实现产业和产品结构量的突破、质的创新以及发展重点的转移。
The article probes into how to fulfil the continuous development in economy and the valid increase in family income when the peasants in ethnic mountain areas are well fed and well clothed.On the abundant basis of investigation and study,the author analyzes the limitations of family contracting out system when it is carried out and the problems when the state helps the poor wipe out the poverty.thereby,the author believes that if the peasants in mountain areas want to realize the continuous development of economy,they must cultivate new increasing points of economy and fulfil breakthroughs in quantity and in novations, in qudlity of the structure of industry and products,and shifts in the core of development and in gereral plan.
Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities(Humanities and Sociol Science)