Invention & Innovation
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5郁可,张永胜,欧阳世翕,张清杰,罗来强,张秋香,常中坤,李立君,朱自强.Synthesis and Field Emission of ZnO Nanostructures on CuO Catalyzed Porous Silicon Substrate[J].Chinese Physics Letters,2005,22(9):2411-2414. 被引量:1
6Ilya V. Anoshkint,Albert G. Nasibulin,Prasantha R. Mudimela,Maoshuai He,Vladimir Ermolov,Eskol. Kauppinen.Single-walled carbon nanotube networks for ethanol vapor sensing applications[J].Nano Research,2013,6(2):77-86. 被引量:1
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8Xiao-Yu Zheng Ling-Dong Sun Tao Zheng Hao Dong Yang Li Ye-FuWang Chun-Hua Yan.PAA-capped GdF3 nanoplates as dual-mode MRI and CT contrast agents[J].Science Bulletin,2015,60(12):1092-1100. 被引量:4
9Taohua HUANG,Shengming ZHOU,Hao TENG,Hui LIN,Jun ZOU,Jianhua ZHOU,Jun WANG.Growth and Characterization of High-quality LiAlO2 Single Crystal[J].Journal of Materials Science & Technology,2008,24(2):145-148. 被引量:2
10REN Bingyan,ZHAO Long,ZHAO Xiuling,WANG Huixian,CAO Zhongqian,ZHU Huimin,FU Hongbo.Effects of argon gas flow rate and guide shell on oxygen concentration in Czochralski silicon growth[J].Rare Metals,2006,25(1):7-10. 被引量:3