本文通过大量的配方实验和OM、XRD分析,系统研究了R2O- CaO- ZnO- Al2O3-SiO2系统锌黄长石析晶与组成和热处理温度间的相互关系。研究结果表明锌黄长石在0.2R2O-CaO-ZnO-Al2O3-SiO2系统中主要以羽毛状晶型析出,对析晶温度不敏感,在低硅低铝区可以形成数毫米大小的大晶花,可用于生产新型锌黄长石结晶釉;锌黄长石相主要在ZnO、CaO含量适中的组分中析出。在ZnO含量为0.55 摩尔的系统中,用Na2O等摩尔取代K2O有减小锌黄长石相析晶区的趋势,但在ZnO含量为0.35摩尔的系统中则相反:在R2O全部由0.20mole K2O引入的组分中,白榴石析晶消耗足够量的Al203他有利于锌黄长石的析晶。
The influence on crystallizing of Hardystonite of compositions and temperatures scales in system of R2O-CaO-ZnO-Al2O-Al2O3-SiO2 was investigated in detail by OM and XRD. The studied results show that feather-like hardystonite crystallizes in R2O-CaO-ZnO-Al2O3-SiO2, systems and the macrocrystalline of it will be gotten in the low concentrations of SiO2 and Al2O3, It is evident that the tendency towards the crystallizing of Hardystonite decreases with the equimolecular substitution of K2O by Na2O when the content of ZnO is 0. 55mole, but increases when ZnO is 0.35mole.
Foshan Ceramics