目的 评价牛骨形态发生蛋白 (bBMP)—胶原—珊瑚复合人工骨对长骨干骨缺损的修复效果。方法 建立 46只兔双侧桡骨干骨缺损模型 ,分为 4组 :1.人工骨组 (18侧 )、 2 .自体骨组 (16侧 )、 3.单纯珊瑚组 (12侧 )、 4.对照组 (为以上各组的左侧 ,未治疗 )。于 4周及 16周末分别行X线、病理学、ALP活性、四环素荧光标记及生物力学检查。结果 4周 ,人工骨组组织中的ALP活性高于对照组。 16周 ,1、 2、 3、 4组的愈合率 ,分别为 75 %(9/ 12 )、 10 0 %(10 / 10 )、 2 8 6 %(2 /7)、 31 0 %(9/ 2 9)。与 3组及 4组相比 ,1组及 2组的荧光带较宽 ,桡骨的抗弯强度较高。结论 复合人工骨有较强的修复长骨干骨缺损的能力 ,有望成为自体骨的替代品。
Objective To evaluate the effect of bBMP-collagen-coral composited bone substitute in the treatment of bone defect of long bone.Methods Bilateral radial bone defects of 46 rabbits were established.They were divided into four groups:Ⅰ.composited bone substitute group(n=18);Ⅱ.autograft bone group(n=16);Ⅲ.simple coral group(n=12);Ⅳ.Controlled group:untreated left sides of aboev groups.Roentgenography,pathology,ALP activity,tetracycline labelling,biomechanics were examined at the end of 4th week and 16th week.Results The ALP activity of group Ⅰwas higher than that of groupⅣat 4th week.The healing rates of groupⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳwere 75%(9/12),100%(10/10),28.6%(2/7)and 31.0%(9/29) respectively at 16th week.There were statistically significant differences between width of fluorescent band and radius auti-bending intensity of group Ⅰand Ⅱ compared to group Ⅲand Ⅳ.Conclusion The composited bone substitute possesses superior function in the repairing of bone defect of long bone.It is possible to be a substitute of autograft bone.
The Journal of Bone and Joint Injury