本文以王统照的诗歌理论为参照 ,结合诗人的具体作品论析了其旧体诗刻意追求“风骨”、“意境”、“象征”与“用典”所形成的独特美学意蕴和风格取向。也简要探讨了传统文化对其艺术风格的形成所产生的积极影响。
This article refers to Wang Tangzhao′s poetry theory and it combines with his specific works. The purpose of the arcticle is to analyse Wang Tongzhao′s unique Aesthetics implication and stylistic indination which lie in his old-style poetry and all of these were formed by his sticking to pursuing Vigor of Style, Artistic Conception, Symbol and Allusion. The article also griefly probes into the fact that the traditional culture had a positive influence on Wang Tongzhao′s artistic style′s formation.
Journal of Songliao(Social Science Edition)