文学流派的出现和繁荣是中国现代文学接受外国文学思潮的影响 ,突破传统文学格局的一项重要收获。它的形成离不开社会、政治、文化对它的诸多作用。作为一个有生命力的文学构成和文学过程 ,在其张扬个性和组合个性中不同程度地具备五个要素 :风格要素 ,师友要素 ,交往行为要素 ,同人刊物和报纸专栏要素 ,社团要素。流派是文学的整体性和个体性中间环节 ,是个体性的综合 ,又综合成整体性的肌理。流派研究对于整个现代文学研究的深化 ,既有认识论的价值 ,又有方法论的价值 ,它使现代文学研究立体化、层面化、动态化。
The emergence and flourishing of literary schools result from the impact of foreign literary trends of thought on modern Chinese literature and the breakthrough of traditional Chinese literary pattern; the formation of literary schools lies in the interplay of such factors as society, politics and culture. As a link between literary entirety and individuality, literary schools not only synthesize individuality but constitute the texture of entirety as well. The literary schools studies is basic to furthering the entire modern literature research epistemologically and methodologically, for it can render modern literary studies in a three_dimensional, situational and dynamic manner.