文章以沈从文的散文及评论为证 ,说明沈从文乡土散文具有浓厚“形式主义 -人文主义”的美学特质 ,在创作实践上能协调现实与想象 ,以美统摄真、善 ,对乡土人事作诗意重构及文化批评。此美学意识不但说明了沈从文的散文风格 ,更为中国散文史留下可供参考的典范。
This paper draws attention to the aesthetic uniqueness of Shen Cong_wen' s native prose in view of his most representative works. It identifies Shen's essays as 'formalistic_humanistic' in style, not only a balance between reality and imagination, encompassing truth and goodness with beauty, but also the poetic restructure and criticism of native entities. The aesthetic awareness in Shen Cong_wen's work demonstrates his prose style, canonizing his works in the history of modern Chinese literature.