菲律宾处在中西文化碰撞的最前沿。菲律宾华文文学 ,首当其冲地体验着全球化与民族文化问题带来的极度焦灼与矛盾。菲律宾华文作家 ,作为菲律宾人 ,体验与倾诉着在“两难”处境之中“菲律宾的焦虑” ;作为菲律宾华人 ,体验与倾诉着在“两难”处境之中“菲律宾华人的焦虑”。菲律宾华文文学正是在这个意义上 ,在全球化与民族化的张力中趟出一条自己的路 ,并且 。
The Philippines lies in the forward position between the west and east culture impact. The literature of Chinese language and culture in the Philippines is the first to be affected by the extreme anxiety and contradiction that come from the globalization and nationalization. The writers of the Chinese language and culture in the Philippines, as Filipinos, have been experiencing and pouring out 'the Philippine anxiety of Philippine Chinese' in the plight of 'two awkward matters'. It is on the significance and tension of globalization and nationalization that the Chinese language and culture in the Philippines explore their own way and gain new conception and honor for the literature of Chinese language and culture in the world.
the Philippines
literature of Chinese language and culture
cultural orientation