坚持正确的舆论导向是新闻宣传的头等大事。广播、电视等新闻媒体是引导公众舆论、影响公众舆论的最佳工具 ,在新闻宣传中讲政治 ,严把关 ,是正确掌握新闻宣传舆论导向的关键 ;注重典型报道 ,发挥舆论监督作用 ,是新闻宣传舆论导向的一个重要内容和环节 ;把握好新闻宣传舆论导向的“度” ,还必须建立一支高素质的新闻工作者队伍。
Upholding the correct opinion orientation is crucial to press publicity. Mass media such as broadcasting and television are fundamental to directing and influencing public opinion, thus stress should be laid on politics and strict checks to ensure the correct opinion orientation of press publicity. In addition, priority should also be given to reporting model instances and bringing into play press supervision. And on top of that, it is necessary to build up a contingent of high_quality journalists.