
批判与实践——新法兰克福学派对美国实用主义的兴趣 被引量:10

The New Frankfurt School's Interests in American Pragmatism
摘要 今年上半年访问过华东师大的德国哲学家尤根·哈贝马斯是所谓新法兰克福学派的主要代表。由于对理论与实践关系作了新的理解,该学派对美国实用主义哲学传统作了相当积极的评价,从而与以霍克海默尔为代表的批判理论第一代人物对后者的态度形成鲜明对照。在哈贝马斯那里,“批判”在规范内容和论证方式两个方面与以下四个层次上的“实践”密切联系:交往行动、合理论辩、公共讨论、政治文化。在这些从抽象到具体的层次上,哈贝马斯都对从皮尔士经过杜威一直到罗蒂的美国实用主义哲学家所提供的思想材料作了批判性借鉴。 Juergen Habermas, the German Philosopher who visited ECNU earlier this year, is the major figure of the so - called New Frankfurt School. As a result of a new understanding of the relation between theory and practice, this School, in sharp contrast to the first - generation Critical Theorists represented by Horkheimer, highly values the philosophical tradition of American pragmatism. To Habermas, the idea of 'critique' is, both substantially and methodologically, closely connected with the idea of 'praxis' in the following senses: communicative action, rational argumentation, public discussion and political culture. At all these levels, from more abstract to more concrete, Habermas critically appropriates important resources found in American pragmatists from Peirce through Dewey to Rorty.
作者 童世骏
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第5期125-140,共16页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 新法兰克福学派 美国 实用主义 实践 哈贝马斯 普特南 哲学批判 交往行动理论 合理论辨理论 New Frankfurt School, American pragmatism, critique, Habermas
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  • 1Giovanna Borradori: The American Philosopher: Conversations with Quine, Davison, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell,Maclntyre, and Kuhn,translated by Rosanna Crocito, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1994,61.
  • 2Martin Jay: The DialecticalImagination:A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research 1923-1950, University of California Press, Berkeley/Los Aneles/London,1996,xv; Max Pensky: "Third generation critical theory", in A Companion to Continental philosophy, edited by Simon Critchley and William R. Schroeder, Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1998, Malden Mass.USA,Oxford,UK,409.
  • 3"Boume, Dewey, Adorno: Reconciling Pragmatism and the Frankfurt School", The University of Wiscosin-Milwaukee, Center for Twentieth Century Studies, Working Paper No. 4, Fall-Winter 1989-1990.
  • 4Martin Jay: "Urban Flights:The Institute of Social Research between Frankfurt and New York",in his Force Fields: Between Intellectual History and Cultural Critique, Rortiedge, New York, 1993,18.
  • 5Martin Jay:The Dialectical Imagination,83.
  • 6Max Horkheimer: "On the Prob1em of Truth", orginally published in Zeitschrift fuer Sozialforschung,Vol IV(1935), reprinted in The Essenial Frankfurt School Reader ,edited by Andrew Arato and Eike Gebhardt,Constinuum, New York, 1995,425; 425 ;426; 426; 429; 429; 427; 427; 428;429; 429.
  • 7Max Horkheimer: Eclipse of Reason,Oxford University Press,New York,1947,21;45;28-29;30;54;54.
  • 8Juergen Habermas: Theory and Practice,translated by John Viertel,Beacon press,Boston,1973,1; 1; 3;8;17;17;34;37-38;2.
  • 9Juergen Habermas: "Noch einmal:Zum Verhaltnis von Theorie und Praxis", in Wahrheit und Rechtfertigung: Philosophische Aufsatze,Suhrkamp,1999,331.
  • 10Juergen Habermas: The Theory of Communicative Action,vol. I, trans. Thomas McCarthy, Polity Press, Cambridge, UK/Oxford, UK, 1997,86.











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