黄遵宪是中国近代著名诗人 ,他的主要创作成就 ,一是以诗纪史 ,真实地反映了晚清时世 ;二是走向世界 ,为中国诗坛输入大量新的质素。因而 ,他出使美国后咏写域外风光和海外新理新事的诗作 ,被友人称作“新世界诗” ,在当时发生很大影响 ,在世纪之交的今天仍然很有借鉴价值。本文便从黄遵宪“新世界诗”的得名、范围、新在何处、思想意义、艺术特色诸方面进行探索。
Huang Zhunxian was a famous poet of modern China. His main creation achievement was his writing poems to reflect the history, realistically mirroring the events in the late Qing Dynasty; and his introduction of new elements to Chinas poetic circles from the outside world. Therefore, his writing was called 'new world poems' by his friends after he became ambassador to the U.S..His poems, depicting sights of foreign lands and newly emerging things, exerted great influence at that time. At present at the turn of the century his writing is worth drawing lessons from. This dissertation discusses Huan Zhunxians 'new world poems' and its name, scope, new style,significance and artistic characteristics.
Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)