创刊于 194 6年的《联合晚报》是共产党领导下的以民间报纸面目出现的群众性报纸 ,立足上海、面向全国、力求国内重大事件都有自己的独家新闻、站在群众立场讲话、采用各种保护色、重视斗争策略、在重大立场问题不让步是其办刊方略。《联合晚报》有效地鼓舞了广大人民争取解放的斗志 。
The United Evening Paper, which started its publication in 1946, was a mass-oriented unofficial newspaper under the leadership of the Communist party. Its management strategies were to seize Shanghai as a stronghold, and make the newspaper enjoy a nationwide circulation, to publish exhaustive reports on the major social issues at home, to speak for the masses of people and to take an unyielding stand on the matters of principle. The United Evening Paper succeeded in arousing the fighting will of the broad masses and became a very influential newspaper in Shanghai.
Journal of Suzhou Railway Teachers College(Social Science Edition)