本歌取是日本传统诗歌形式——和歌的一种修辞手法。与汉诗中的借典手法不尽相同。它产生于万叶时代 ,在历代御撰和歌集中鲜有收录 ;然而 ,在 30 0多年后的《新古今和歌集》中 ,运用了本歌取的和歌却随处可见。本文作者对此深感兴趣 ,探索了其兴盛的原因 ,并主要以《新古今和歌集》为例 ,介绍了本歌取的种类及方式。
Hongkatori is a rhetoric method employed in the traditional Japanese form of verse -- Japanese Verse. It shares many distinctive characteristics with the Chinese rhetoric method Allusion. We can trace back the origin of hongkatori to Manyo Age, but royal complied collections of Japanese verses failed to collect it for many generations. However, in the ' New Collections of Classics' 300 years later, it sprouted out in great numbers. This phenomenon interested the author of this article immensely. In this article, she first examines the reasons which brought the up and down of the honkatori method, and then, based on 'The New Collection of Classics', she introduces in length its types and ways.
Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science)