抗日战争爆发后 ,国民政府被迫组织了沿江沿海国营和部分民营工厂迁往我国西南等内地。工厂内迁促进了大后方工业的发展 ,为大后方迅速建立起新的工业基础 ,改变了过去不合理的工业局面。虽然这是在特殊的历史背景下的战时政治经济的产物 ,在很大程度上受制于战争的进展和时局的转换 ,但它却使西部地区的工业在战时短短的数年便走完了平时需要数十年乃至百余年才能走完的历程 ,并为嗣后西部地区工业的发展创设了一些条件和留下了一定的基础。抗日战争时期 ,国民政府主动或被动所采取的有关政策而形成的发展西部地区工业经济的模式 。
After the breakout of the Anti Japanese War, the Nationalist Government was forced to move those state owned or privately owned factories along the coast to the inland areas in Southwest China. This helped speed up the industrial development and establish new industrial bases in the hinterland, thus improving the irrational industrial layout of the past. Though this is due to the war time policies and economy in this unique historic background and, to a great extent, subject to the progress of the war and the change of the situation, this move enabled industries in Western China to complete a course which might have taken dozens of years or even over a hundred years in normal times. The industrial development modes adopted during the Anti Japanese War, whether actively or passively, by the Nationalist Government in line with related policies still remain lessons we can learn.
Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)