
美国的总统外交与国会外交 被引量:17

American Presidential and Congressional Diplomacy
摘要 无论是在理论上还是在实践上 ,美国国会在美国外交决策过程中发挥着巨大的作用 ,其影响不容忽视。尽管在历史上某些“帝王式总统”当政时期 ,国会因其自身运作机制的特点在对外决策中居于次要决策地位 ,但是随着全球化的发展、公众外交的影响以及内政与外交的交融 ,国会在美国外交决策过程中的地位不仅得到显著提升 ,而且还逐渐显现出成为掌控美国外交的“锚与舵”的发展趋势。结合美对华政策的制订过程 ,分析国会在外交领域日益凸显的作用 。 The role of Congress in American foreign policy is too important to be overlooked in both theory and practice. Historically speaking, Congress only played a minor role in the decision making process of foreign affairs, due to the influence of 'imperial presidency' and congressional mechanism. However, along with the trend of globalization, both public diplomacy and the integration of domestic and foreign politics contributed greatly to the gradual empowerment of Congress in foreign affairs. The tendency that Congress began to play a more active and even decisive role in U. S. foreign policy can thus be identified. This article, based on investigations of the US China relations, not only argues that special attention should be given to the resurgence of the congressional power in foreign affairs but also makes specific proposals for future work in Chinese diplomacy.
作者 孙哲
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第4期50-57,共8页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
关键词 美国 政治 国会外交 中美关系 外交决策 总统外交 American politics, Congress and diplomacy, US China relations, decision making in foreign policy
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  • 2Clinton Rossiter. The American Presidency. Harvard University Press, 1960.
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