邓小平同志曾确立了对治理国家具有全局性、战略性指导意义的方针策略 (即治国方略 )。然而 ,伴随社会的发展 ,新情况、新问题不断出现 ,需要不断丰富与发展。本文着重论述了以江泽民为核心的党的第三代领导集体在丰富、发展。
Den Xiao-ping established general plan for administering country.However,with social development and new problemsappearance,we must continue to enrich and develop it.In this thesis,the writer paid attention to discussion that taking Jiang Ze-min as key person of the CCP's collective leadship of the Third generation made great contribution to Den Xiao-ping's general plans for administering country in the fields of development and perfect.
Journal of Qinghai Nationalities Institute(Social Sciences)