1936年红军东征受阻后 ,中共中央及中央军委战略重心由东向西转移。从 1936年 8月到 1936年 10月 ,这一战略计划经过了“制定”、“补充”、“完善”等阶段。最终因敌情突变、张国焘的不配合、渡河部队 (随后称西路军 )很难单独完成等原因而被迫中止。
It was in 1936 that the Red Army attacked east suffered a setback,the Central Committee of the CCP and the Central Military Commission were determined to formulate new strategical planning, that is ,the Red Army was to be moved away from the east to west (from shan Xi to NingXia).Owing to the sudden change of enemy's situation and without Zhang Guo_tao's coordinating and so on,the strategical planning was suspended at last.
Journal of Qinghai Nationalities Institute(Social Sciences)