数术是中国古代一种神秘的文化现象 ,其认识世界的基本范畴是象与数。中国古建筑从形象、色彩和数字等方面表现自己的精神需求 ,存在着数字神秘主义的奇观 ,在结构和布局上 ,受着阴阳五行说及宇宙观、尚中观等玄学的影响。
Shu-shu'was a mysterious cultural phenomenon of ancient China,its fundamental methods of understanding world belonged to the field of 'Xiang'and 'Shu'.The building of ancient China reflected its own spirit demands through figure,Color and So on,it not only was mysticism trends of digit,but also influenced by the philosophical sects such as yin-yang five elements,world view,etc.
Journal of Qinghai Nationalities Institute(Social Sciences)