会计电算化已广泛应用 ,但是仍存在许多问题 ,将来应在以下几个方面重点研究 ,即会计软件可靠性模型 ,会计软件开发工具 ,利于二次开发的专用软件包的开发 ,Web软件的开发 ,智能化 (分析型 )会计软件的研制 ,软件适应性研究等方面。
Computer accounting has been widely used. Considering the many existing problems, we should focus our research in the following aspects, the reliable mode in accounting software, the tool for exploitation ,the exploiting software for a special purpose duplicate,the exploitation of web software,the development of intelligence accounting software (analytical),and the research of software adaptability.
Journal of Changsha University of Electric Power(Social Science)