沈约是南朝齐梁时的重要诗人 ,是当时的“一代辞宗”。他不仅诗歌创作颇有成绩 ,而且他毫无文人相轻的陋习 ,不崇己抑人 ,笃于揄扬后进 ,齐梁间很多诗人或多或少受过他的褒奖。齐梁文坛上 ,沈约提携了大量的文坛同辈或后进 ,对齐梁诗歌的繁荣起了推动作用。沈约影响了一大批当时或后代的诗人。
Shen Yue was a noted poet during Qi and Liang Dynasties, a great master of poetry at that time. With no tendency to scorn other scholars, he never paraded his learning while censuring others'. He always managed to speak highly of the less advanced and many poets of the time were commended more or less by him. In the literary circles during Qi and Liaug Dynasties Shen Yue gave guidance and help to many scholars of the same generation and those less advanced, and played an important part in prospering poetry of the time. He influenced numbers of poets of the time and of the later periods
Journal of Changsha University of Electric Power(Social Science)