我国农村现行的追求产量最大化和农民收入最大化的双重目标存在着内在的矛盾。本文把产量和收入纳入“总贡献”(政绩 )的函数之中 ,通过边际分析的方法揭示了二者之间的矛盾 ,即在政府自身政绩偏好最大化条件下 ,双重目标最终会导致产量最大化的单一目标 ,而忽视农民收入的增长 ,进而 ,引起农民收入减少、环境恶化和不适应国际竞争等问题。因此 ,要转变政策取向 ,改变管理方式 ,深化土地使用制度创新和产业化经营方式等 ,增加农民收入。
This paper discus the contract ion of China′s rural policy objectives.China′s rural policy hase dural objectives,which are profit maximization and output maximization.Profit and output are the varities of general contribution.Throngh marginal anylysis we conclude that the local authority preferences to output maximi zation for their general contribaion maximization and ignores the peasants′ profit or income.Whereas,many social and economic problemsoccur.At last,the author puts forward some suggestion plans,such as institation innovation,agricultare industinlization,and so on.
Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)