戴名世是清初“《南山集》案”的主角 ,文字狱的牺牲品 ,其作品赖时人之保存得以流传至今。戴氏长于文学 ,尤擅古文 ,故有些学者将他与方苞并列为桐城派之祖。其史传文章虽少 ,但对史学工作者应具备的史德、史才、史识等方面提出了自己的要求 ,阐明了其史学思想。文章涉猎广博 ,议论精彩 ,其中不乏灼见。
Dai Mingshi was a famous scholar in Qing Danasty. He was one of the two inaugurators of TongCheng school (the other was Fang Bao)and achieved mainly in Ancient Chinese Literature. His 《NanShan Collections》 brought him not only great fame in history, but also two years wretched lives in jail. His works on history featurd with thoughts and knowledge although there were not many in numbers.
Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)