设计了一种用于电网监测控制的微机系统 ,该系统采用电量变送器采集现场电量信号并将其转化为模拟量和数字量送至PC - 1 1 0 0可编程控制器进行处理、储存并输出给远程数据收发器 ,另一端的远程数据收发器接收数据给上位微机进行数据综合处理 ,实现显示。
The micro-computer system used to monitor and control power network is designed. In the system,the electric quantity convector is adopted to collect insitu signals of electric quantity which is converted into simulation quantity and digital quantity to be sent to Pc_1100 programmable controller for processing and storing and to the distant digital receiver. The digital receiver on the other end receives the data and sends them to the up-lever micro-computer for comprehensive data processing so as to achieve the functions of displays,statistics and printing.
Journal of Shaanxi Institute of Technology