以干猪蹄筋为原料 ,研制出 2 5 0g袋装鱼香、海味、酸辣、糖醋、清烧、麻酱六种调味珍补猪蹄筋以及熟食原料清水猪蹄筋软罐头系列产品 ,且研究并确定了关键工艺技术。产品具有卫生、营养、方便 ,能适应不同消费层次、不同地域风味需求等特点。
Studies on the manufacture of six kinds of bagged (250gram/bag) tonic pig tendon of different flavor were conducted, such as fish, seafood, acidic-hot, sweet-and-sour, steamed and bite-pickled with dried pig tendon as raw material and one kind of watery soft-canned pig tendon with cooked tendon The work focused on key processes of these products and the product is healthy, nutritional, convenient and suitable to the people of different area and different taste
Journal of Chengdu University(Natural Science Edition)