为研究老年人慢性脑硬膜下血肿的临床及影像学特点 ,对 15例老年人慢性硬脑膜下血肿的临床与影像学资料进行了分析 ,结果发现 ,老年人慢性硬脑膜下血肿的临床特点是无明显外伤史 ,多以痴呆、精神异常及锥体束征阳性为首发表现 ,本组病人尚有情感障碍、共济失调为首发表现者 ,无明显特征性 .CT扫描虽能发现血肿 ,但对呈等密度时的血肿不如MRI更具优势 .说明老年人慢性硬脑膜下血肿的临床表现不典型 。
cases of elders'subdural hematoma were analyzed on their imageological and clinical characteristics and the results showed that the characteristics of the disease was no obvious traume injury,Mainly having dementia,mental abnormity and positive pyramidal tract,Having emotinnal disturbance,Types of no obvious character symmetry dense was lower than MRI,though the hematome founded under CT examination,so the clinical symtoms of the disease is no typical and it is important to combine with the imageology during diagnosis.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Natural Sciences