洗衣机的振动及噪音主要来自于衣物洗涤后的脱水过程。针对顶装式波轮洗衣机的结构特点 ,对此种洗衣机的平衡环及整个洗衣机桶体建立振动数学模型 ,采用八个广义位移描述桶体的振动 ,运用拉格朗日方程 ,建立桶体振动微分方程 ,并采用龙格—库塔法求解振动微分方程组 ,得到各广义位移随时间的变化曲线 ,仿真出桶体脱水阶段的运动状态 ,描述了洗衣机脱水启动到稳定阶段桶体的振动情况 。
Vibration and noise of a washing machine mainly come from the spinning and drying process. In regard to the structural characteristics of a front loaded washing machine, the mathematical vibrating models of its tub and balance ring have been formulated. The tub vibrations are described in accordance with eight position changes, the vibration equations are obtained through the Lagrange method, the numerical results obtained by Runge Kutte method, and the curves for the variation of time in conformity with the position changes are drawn. Besides, the spinning process is mimicked and the tub vibration is described from the moment when it starts to work to the time it becomes steady. The study can provide theoretical grounds for further dynamic analysis of the properties of front loaded washing machines.
Journal of Huaihai Institute of Technology:Natural Sciences Edition