通过模型在规则波系列及不规则波中的试验 ,并结合有关的分析计算 ,指出被动式水舱的减摇效率与船舶本身的无因次横摇衰减系数μ有关 ,其规律大体呈线性关系 .船舶本身的μ越小 ,加装水舱后能获得的减摇效率越高 .当船舶在高海况下航行时 ,用减摇效率来评价水舱的减摇效果已无实际意义 ,应该直接在不规则波中进行试验 .如果加装水舱后得到的有义横摇幅值能满足船舶耐波性衡准中限定的数值 ,则可以认为该水舱达到了预期的减摇效果 .
Based on model's experimental results in a series regular waves and irregular waves and combined with the related analysis and calculations, this paper pointed out that the efficiency of passive anti-rolling tank η depends strongly on the ship's own non-dimensional roll extinction coefficient μ. The relationship between η and μ can be approximately expressed as linearity. For the ships with smaller μ values, the higher efficiency for installing passive anti-rolling tanks might be obtained. When a ship sails in high sea states, the effectiveness of passive anti-rolling tank assessed by means of efficiency has no practical meaning. It should be ascertained directly by the model tests in specified irregular waves. If the significant roll amplitude from experiments satisfies the specified value of ship's sea-keeping performance criteria, the effectiveness of designed passive anti-rolling tank is thought to reach the expected requirement.
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University