以农用滴灌滴头的模具设计为例 ,介绍了使用 Pro/ ENGINEER、RP和 RT技术设计制造模具的工艺过程 .Pro/ ENGINEER的应用能实现屏幕的三维显示 ,减少产品研制过程的迭代 ,加快产品的开发 ;RP技术的应用可以制造出实物 ,避免造型与实际要求的不一致性 ,加速模具设计进程并迅速确定模具制造工艺 ;RT技术能进一步提高 RP技术的效益 ,快速制造出模具 .在应用各种高新技术进行模具设计制造的同时 ,针对设计制造过程中的难点和问题提出了有效的解决方法 .
According to the design of an agricultural irrigation emitter mould ,the paper introduced the process that uses Pro/ENGINEER technique and advanced RP,RT techniques to manufacture mould. The applications of Pro/ENGINEER and RP, RT techniques make the mould design, production and modification faster and more easily. Realization of the 3-D display on screen by the Pro/ENGINEER software reduces the iterative process in research of product and accelerates the exploitation of new product. Primacy product manufactured with RP technique can avoid disagreement between the model and product and accelerate the design and manufacturing of mould. RT technique can rapidly manufacture the mould and develops benefit of RP. In the paper, an efficient method was brought forward to the key point and problem brought with the application of high and new techniques.
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University