采用HE染色和免疫组化技术对 17例肝脏局灶性结节性增生 (FNH)进行临床病理观察。男性 12例 ,女性 5例 ,年龄 13~ 71岁 ,平均年龄 36 8岁 ,半数病人有上腹疼痛或不适。 9例FNH术前误诊为肝癌。 17例FNH有 14例为经典型 ,2例为毛细血管扩张型 ,1例为混合型。经典型FNH具有 4种特征性形态学改变 :即结节中央有星状瘢痕、异常结节状结构、畸形血管和毛细胆管增生。
cases of focal nodular heperplasia of the liver were studied with HE staining and immunohistochemistry. The patient population was composed of 12 males and 5 females, aged 13 to 71 years. The main symptom was abdomimal pain or discomfort. 9 patients were misdiagnosed as hepatic cell carcinoma (HCC) before operation. Histologically, 14 cases were of classical form, and 2 cases were of telangiectatic form, and 1 case mixed form. The classical form of FNH was defined by the presence of 4 characteristic histologic features: nodular central stellate scar, abnormal nodular architecture, malformed vessels, and cholangiolar proliferation. The causes of focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver were briefly discussed.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army