目的 观察国产氨羟丙基双磷酸盐 (APD)对恶性肿瘤骨转移引起疼痛的治疗效果和活动能力改善情况。方法 30例确诊为恶性肿瘤伴骨转移疼痛患者均静滴APD 90mg。结果 止痛显效 7例 ,有效 17例 ,总有效率 80 %。活动能力改善效果 :显效 6例 ,有效 7例 ,总有效率 5 9.1%。大部分病例 3d起效 ,维持 2 8d。不良反应主要为发热 (2 0 % )。结论 国产APD对恶性肿瘤骨转移疼痛和由此引起的活动能力减退有良好的治疗效果。
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of Pamidronate (APD) to relieve pain due to metastatic bone tumor tumor and improve the activity of daily living (ADL). METHODS: 30 patients with painful progressing bone metastatic tumor were administered in a dosage of 90 mg of APD by intravenous infusion. RESULTS: The complete relief and partial relief of pain were observed in 7 and 17 patients respectively, the total effective rate was 80%. The complete relief and partial relief of ADL were observed in 6 and 7 patients respectively, the total effective rate was 59.1%. The common side-effect was transient self-limiting pyrexia 20% (6/30). CONCLUSION: APD is effective for relieving pain and improving ADL in patients with advanced cancer, and is well tolerated.
Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal