目的 :观察角膜、角膜缘与结膜移植治疗眼部化学烧伤与热烧伤的效果。方法 :采用严重化学烧伤与热烧伤病例 (6例 7眼 ) ,作异体角膜板层或全角膜、角膜缘与球结膜 ,即“三位一体”移植 ,术后滴用地塞米松或联用环胞酶素 A。结果 :在 6个月至 2年追踪观察期内 ,7眼中有 3眼例达到了睑球粘连分离的目的 ,防止了假性胬肉的复发 ,减少了角膜新生血管 ,3眼部分改善。 4眼 (5 7.1% )植片基本透明 ,1眼术后再粘连与假性胬肉复发。 3眼植片大部分或全混浊。结论 :角膜与角膜缘和结膜“三位一体”移植治疗化学烧伤与热烧伤 ,术后联用激素与环胞酶素
To evaluate the clinical effects of corneal, limbal and conjunctival transplantation. Methods: Laminar cornea or full cornea, limbal and conjunctival transplantation of trinity, dexamethasone and cyclosporin A eye drops were used for 6 patients (7 eyes) with old chemical or thermal burns.Results: In the 6-24 months of follow-up, the results showed symblepharon, neovascularization and psuedopterygium were prevented or decreased obviously in 6 eyes. Corneal epitheliums were stable and grafts were transparent in 4 eyes. Psuedopterygium and symblepharon relapsed in 1 patient and grafts were opaque in 3 eyes. Conclusions: Transplantation of trinity and application of dexamethasone or cyclosporin A seems an effective treatment for severer chemical or thermal burns of eyes.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology