清末新政经济政策对近代中国工 商业发展起了四方面影响:促成 20世纪初本国资本投资的高涨;私人资本主义取代了国家资本主义在主要产业中所占的主导地位;新式企业的地域分布由沿海沿江向内地和边陲延伸和扩展;对中国传统手工业造成了较大的形响。
The new economic reform policies at the end of Qing Dynasty influenced Chinese industries and commerce: industrial investment in China reached its climax at the beginning of 20th century. The leading role of state capitalism in the main industries was replaced by private capitalism. The distribution of newly-developed industries started to extend from the coastal and riverside areas to inland and remote areas. This transition has a great effect on the traditional industries of China.
Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)