平等、消灭私有制、民主和人道作为马克思主义的社会主义伦理的基本准则 ,对于 2 0世纪社会主义运动的伦理价值和伦理实践作用重大、影响至深。由这些准则具体演化而来的公正、富强、法治和自由的准则同样是现今的和未来的社会主义运动所奋斗的目标。上述社会主义准则对个人生活和社会生活的巨大推进给我们开辟了思考和发扬这些准则的无限宽广的伦理天地。
Equality,elimination of private ownership,democracy and humanity are the basic norms of Marxist socialist ethics.They have had the important function and the deep influence on the ethical values and ethical practice of the socialist movement in the 20th century.Justice,prosperity,rule by law and liberty which are evolved from the above mentioned four norms are equally the aims of the present and future socialist movement.All these norms which greatly advanced the human life have opened up a wide ethic world when we reflect and enhance them.
Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)