“学堂乐歌”是中国近现代音乐史上的一次启蒙运动 ,是中国音乐史上第一次真正开始自觉地吸收西方音乐的开端 ,由于长期以来儒家“经世致用”思想的浸润 ,这场运动所考虑的并不是关于音乐在美学上的作用 ,而是试图以“乐歌”来改变国民的精神、以“乐歌”来激发人们的爱国热情。
The School Music and Songs Movement is an enlightenment in Chinese modern history of music. For the first time in Chinese musical history, western music began to be absorbed consciously by Chinese musicians. With the long standing influence of Practicality of the Confucian school, this movement didn't put much emphasis on the aesthetic effect of music, while it intended to change people's spirit and arouse their patriotic enthusiasm with such songs.
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)