近 2 0年来 ,在国际上出现了政府行政管理范式转型的普遍倾向。这种经转型的新范式的名称有“新公共管理”、“管理主义”、“以市场为依据的公共管理”、“后科层范式”和“具有企业家精神的政府”等等。新范式的主要特点是 :注重政府的服务功能 ,体现公共部门战略管理职能 ,在公共管理中也要求效率、效能和效果 ,体现公民参与 ,以及简化政府的科层制结构等等。
In resent 20 years, there has been a common tendency of paradigm transformation of government administration internationally. The names of this new paradigm are:“new public administration”, “managism”, “public administration based on market”, “post bureaucracy paradigm”, “the government with entrepreneur spirit”, ect. Main characters of this new paradigm are: emphasizing on the service function of government, performnce of strategic managment in public sectors, economy, efficiency and effect in public administration, citizen participation, simplification of bureaucratic structure of government.
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)